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How companies can provide better data to OSHA

Companies in Missouri and throughout the country reported 4,185 workplace fatalities to OSHA between January 2015 and April 2017. Another 23,282 severe injuries were reported to OSHA during this same period of time. However, it is thought that the actual number of severe injuries is twice as high as what was reported. Companies may not report a severe injury because they are worried about fines or other negative consequences.

It is also thought that some businesses aren’t aware of the reporting requirements or erroneously believe that they are in compliance with them. Of course, it can be in an organization’s best interest to accurately report all serious injuries and workplace fatalities. Furthermore, it is worthwhile to investigate the causes of these accidents and how they can be prevented in the future. From there, organizations should put corrective measures in place and verify that they have been implemented.

Finally, there should be a system in place to assess whether those new protocols have effectively solved the problem. By placing an emphasis on worker safety, managers and owners wouldn’t have to worry about reporting fatalities and serious injuries to OSHA. This is because there would be fewer incidents to report, and it would result in fewer fines and other potential penalties levied against them.

A workplace accident could cause an individual to experience back, head or other types of injuries. Exposure to heat or toxic chemicals could result in an illness that may entitle an employee to workers’ compensation benefits. Benefits may help workers recover lost wages and obtain payment of all medical bills related to their injuries or illnesses. An attorney may help injured workers explore their legal options in the event that an application is denied or not processed in a timely manner.