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Medical records are key in disability claims

Requesting disability benefits means showing the Social Security Administration (SSA) that you meet their definition of being disabled. This can lead to some confusion. A person may believe that their condition makes it impossible for them to work and thus assume that they’ll qualify for benefits when the government does not actually count them as being disabled at all. 

As you can imagine, these disagreements are at the heart of a lot of complex disability cases. Someone who is denied benefits may feel both frustrated and shocked. Their disability seems so clear to them, and they just want the benefits needed to make ends meet, but the government sees it differently. This can often feel unfair or unjust, as if the system is not providing the support it is designed to provide. 

Submitting evidence is required 

When filing a claim, you or your representative must submit evidence to back up that claim. This is a required step, and it is also key in proving that you deserve those benefits. 

One of the most common types of evidence is simply a file containing your medical records. This gives the SSA information from a credible and impartial source who has the training and knowledge to make those assessments. There’s a large difference between a person claiming that they have severe back pain, for instance, and a doctor noting that they have spinal cord damage that may never fully heal. 

When you apply, you must know exactly what steps to take and how to submit all of the proper paperwork. Minor errors and oversights can quickly lead to a denial of your application, even if you technically have a case that should be approved. 

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