If another driver crashes into you, discovering the factors that led them to do so will be crucial to claiming compensation. While alcohol can play a role in a crash at any time of year, it is more frequent than ever over the July Fourth weekend.
New Year’s Day is the only day of the year that is more deadly for alcohol-related crashes than Independence Day. Insurance Institute for Highway Safety figures shows that 47% of crashes on July 4 and 41% on July 3 involved alcohol.
Is this because many people drink to excess on the holiday?
Some people do drink to excess and drive and crash. Yet, those statistics do not just involve people who tested over the legal limit of 0.08% blood alcohol content (BAC). They include everyone whose tests showed them to have alcohol in their system.
Many people decide that they will be fine to drink alcohol and drive provided they are careful. They count how many drinks they have, drink a lot of water, and eat a lot of food to try and ensure that if the police stop them, they do not test over the legal limit.
That can work to a degree as someone careful is less of a threat than someone who drinks without any respect for the law. Yet any amount of alcohol will impair a person’s ability to drive safely.
Drinking and driving is not necessary. There are many safe alternatives, such as staying at home, walking, taking the bus, hailing a cab or rideshare or designating a non-drinking driver. If a driver who celebrated Independence Day with alcohol injures you in a crash, seek legal help to hold them responsible.