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What damages can you claim if you’re injured by a drunk driver?

Being injured in a car accident at the hands of a drunk driver has the potential to leave you with significant injuries. These completely avoidable accidents can result in you being unable to work.

With mounting medical bills, you may be wondering how you’re going to make ends meet when your injuries leave you out of employment through no fault of your own.

Nearly 4000 people were injured as a result of alcohol and drug-related crashes in Missouri in 2021, leaving many people suffering as a result. If this is you, thankfully there are damages you can claim to help cover your costs while you recover.

Damages are not just for strictly financial losses

Covering your expenses will be your main concern when you’re injured in an accident caused by a drunk driver.

Financial losses you can claim include paying for your hospital stay and the cost of treating or diagnosing your injuries. This can also include personal care costs accrued after completing initial treatment.

If you lost your job due to your injuries you may also be able to claim for loss of income, both present and future.

Outside of these strictly, easily quantifiable financial losses is the option to claim damages for pain and suffering caused. This can be mental and emotional distress such as experiencing flashbacks and pain that affect the general enjoyment of life.

Another form of compensation available in some cases is punitive damages. The purpose of these damages is as both a punishment to the driver in your case and a deterrent to other drivers.

Making sure you receive the compensation you deserve following an accident that wasn’t your fault can be an essential part of your recovery.


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