When you experience a workplace accident, you may have a desire to move on as quickly as possible so you can put it behind you. However, rushing through the process can hurt your chances of getting monetary compensation for your injuries.
The documentation of the incident can make or break your shot at filing a successful workers’ compensation claim. Use the checklist below to ensure you collect the necessary proof to get your rightful compensation.
1. Take pictures
Take photographs relating to any of the causes, contributing factors or consequences of the occupational accident. It is vital to put together a visual story of the situation. You should take pictures of the scene, any obvious causes (such as a slippery floor or dangerous object) and any noticeable injuries.
2. Talk to witnesses
Collect personal information from anyone who is involved or witnesses the accident. This contact information is vital for corroborating the causes and aftermath of the crash. Witness statements that support your claim will help you receive the necessary damages.
3. Keep a journal
Start writing in a journal about the accident and its consequences. After you write an explanation of the accident, keep logs about your injuries and emotional turmoil. Writing about how the accident is impacting your life will help you build a strong case that you deserve compensation.
4. Track expenses
Document all the costs that you incur because of the accident, including medical bills, lost income, transportation expenses and prescription receipts. Any expense related to the accident or injuries may be compensable.
5. Get medical treatment
Go to a doctor about any of your injuries to get a proper diagnosis and treatment plan. Follow any instructions from the medical professionals you see. Show up to follow-up appointments and attend any physical therapy sessions. Keep records of every doctor visit.
If you follow these guidelines, you will have a better chance of recovering financially and physically from your workplace injury.