Your life insurance policy beneficiary designations and your instructions in your will need to match. If they're at odds with one another, your will isn't going to actually have any impact on how the money from the insurance is paid out. The life insurance company is...
A Family Firm Dedicated To You
Month: March 2022
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How do you appeal a denied SSDI benefits claim?
Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits are a type of protection available for those with a significant work history and a medical condition that prevents their ongoing employment. People with conditions ranging from spinal cord injuries or mental health...
2 major hazards faced by warehouse workers every day
People who work in warehouses often face hazards that most people might not associate with the job. Even things that might seem harmless can be devastating to the workers if it’s the cause of an injury. It’s up to the employer to ensure that the workers have a safe...